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The Pros and Cons of Natural Incubation vs. Artificial Incubation for Ball Pythons

Writer's picture: JackJack

When it comes to breeding ball pythons, one of the most critical decisions involves how to incubate the eggs. Breeders often face a choice between allowing the female to incubate her eggs naturally or collecting the eggs and using an artificial incubator. Each method comes with its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages, which can significantly impact both the health of the eggs and the well-being of the mother snake. For many breeders, the choice can be influenced by their experience level, the specific conditions in which they are breeding, and their overall breeding goals. Natural incubation can feel like a more instinctual approach, honoring the snake’s natural behaviors, while artificial incubation offers greater control over environmental conditions and can alleviate some concerns regarding the mother’s health.

Personally, I prefer the artificial method, as I believe it provides the best chance for success. Ensuring that the mother snake is not only healthy but also encouraged to resume feeding after laying her eggs is essential for her recovery and future breeding. I find that having a controlled environment allows for more consistent temperature and humidity levels, which are crucial for healthy embryo development. However, I understand that every breeder has their own philosophy, and it's important to weigh the pros and cons of both methods carefully. Let’s discuss each option in detail, so you can make an informed choice that aligns with your breeding goals and the well-being of your ball pythons.

Natural Incubation


  1. Instinctual Care: Female ball pythons possess an innate ability to care for their eggs. They will coil around the clutch, regulating temperature through their body heat. This natural behavior helps create a microenvironment that provides optimal conditions for the developing embryos, often resulting in higher success rates.

  2. Less Stress for the Female: Allowing the mother to incubate her eggs in her habitat can significantly reduce stress. When left undisturbed, she can exhibit natural behaviors and remain in her familiar surroundings, contributing to her overall well-being. A less stressed snake is typically healthier and more resilient for future breeding cycles.

  3. Potential for Better Hatch Rates: Some breeders report that eggs incubated naturally can yield better hatch rates. The combination of the mother’s warmth, humidity control, and protective instincts can create an environment that fosters healthy embryos. Additionally, the eggs are less likely to be disturbed, which can lead to fewer complications.


  1. Variable Conditions: Natural incubation can be quite unpredictable. Environmental factors such as room temperature, humidity levels, and air circulation may vary, affecting the stability of the incubation environment. These fluctuations can pose risks to the developing embryos, potentially leading to developmental issues, prolonged time for hatching or failure.

  2. Monitoring Challenges: Close monitoring of the eggs during natural incubation can be difficult. If any issues arise—like mold growth or infertile eggs—it may take longer to notice and rectify the situation. This lack of visibility can be a significant drawback for breeders who want to ensure optimal conditions for hatching.

  3. Risk of Loss: The risk of abandonment or damage to the eggs is a real concern. If the mother feels threatened, stressed, or is uncomfortable in her environment, she may abandon her clutch or unintentionally harm the eggs while coiling around them.

  4. Food Strike: During natural incubation, it’s common for female ball pythons to go off food or enter a food strike, focusing all their energy on egg care. This can lead to significant weight loss, making it more challenging to encourage feeding once the eggs have hatched. The stress of not eating can also impact their overall health and readiness for subsequent breeding seasons. Also depending on the condition of the mother prior to laying her eggs there is a risk that she can pass away during this incubation period.

Artificial Incubation


  1. Controlled Environment: An artificial incubator allows breeders to create a stable environment tailored to the needs of the eggs. Temperature and humidity can be carefully monitored and adjusted, reducing the risks associated with natural fluctuations. This controlled setup helps ensure that embryos develop under optimal conditions.

  2. Easier Monitoring: Breeders can easily check on the eggs, assess their development, and quickly address any issues that arise. Regular monitoring helps catch potential problems early, which can be critical in improving hatch rates. This proactive approach can lead to higher success rates compared to natural incubation.

  3. Flexibility: If the female is stressed or if environmental conditions aren’t ideal for natural incubation, breeders can collect the eggs and incubate them in a more controlled environment. This flexibility allows for adjustments that can enhance the chances of a successful hatch.


  1. Increased Stress for the Female: Collecting eggs means separating the female from her clutch, which can cause considerable stress. This separation may affect her health and future breeding behaviors, as stress can lead to complications in future breeding cycles.

  2. Risk of Mismanagement: If the breeder lacks experience, there’s a real risk of mismanaging the incubation conditions. Improper temperature settings or humidity levels can lead to poor hatch rates or even complete egg failure. This underscores the importance of having the right equipment and knowledge.

  3. Initial Investment: Setting up a proper incubation system can require a financial investment. High-quality incubators, hygrometers, and thermometers are necessary to create an effective environment, which may not be feasible for every breeder, especially those just starting out. However, one cost-saving option is to build an incubator using a high-quality thermostat such as a Herpstat and using recycled materials, such as a cooler or beverage cooler. This can significantly lower expenses compared to commercially available options. That said, it does require some skill in wiring heat tape properly to ensure consistent heating and safety.

As I mentioned earlier, I personally choose the artificial method based on the factors I consider most important: achieving optimal success rates for hatchlings and ensuring the health of the mother. By utilizing an artificial incubator, I can closely monitor the conditions that affect embryo development while also facilitating the mother’s recovery and prompt return to feeding. If you’re interested in seeing how I implement this method, check out my YouTube video also linked above, where I showcase one of my homemade incubators!

Whether you opt for natural or artificial incubation, being well-prepared will ultimately lead to a successful breeding experience for both you and your ball pythons.

I’d love to hear from you about your experiences! What method do you prefer for incubating ball python eggs, and what factors influenced your choice? Let’s discuss your insights and approaches in the comments below!

Love you all!


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